Mandy Jane Lynch
Your Therapy Godmother - Counsellor / Coach / Hypnotherapist
What is Hypnosis?
Simply put, hypnosis is a relaxed focused state of concentration, focus and imagination; it is a natural psychological process in which the critical thinking of the mind (conscious mind) is bypassed. Although some individuals experience an increased susceptibility to suggestions when in the altered state, it is not always necessary; subjective indicators and subjective changes can be achieved by means of simple suggestions or waking hypnosis.
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed"
C.J. Jung (This theory places emphasis on the client / therapist relationship).
What can Hypnotherapy be helpful for?
Hypnotherapy has been proven to work with:
Content Free Hypnosis - Emotional Detox Technique
The Emotional Detox Technique (developed by Karl Smith) is a great technique to use and has proven to be a successful hypnotherapy technique to help to process negative or uncomfortable feelings, images, thoughts, emotions and sensations and stress from your body in a content free perspective.
Control Room Technique
A technique that I enjoy using with my clients in hypnotherapy is the Control Room Technique. This technique can be used for a variety of issues and is very personal to the client as they imagine that their own control room looks like and operates.
How does it work?
Whilst in hypnosis, I will ask you to just imagine, only imagine going into your own control room of your subconscious mind, a control room that contains all the dials, buttons and levers whatever you imagine them to be, that are relevant to you as an individual, how fast you eat, how fast you walk, how slow you chew including the level of anxiety you have, the level of sense of fun, the level of pain you may be experiencing for an injury, what level you are at for exercising, level of confidence, level of anger etc. Everything that is relevant to you. As you can image there is going to be a lot of dials, buttons and levers there from your life, some may be set up too high and cause you problems, some may be sent too low, some may not even be used at all anymore. Therefore using the control room technique you get the opportunity to spring clean your control room of your subconscious mind and to reset them back to where they were when you were first born or to heighten them up if you need more confidence etc or to lower some if you need less anxiety. We ask permission from the subconscious mind to know what is a safe new level for you.
Your imagination is a wonderful thing and using your powerful imagination you can imagine your control room in any way that you want. I have had clients imagine windmills with all the sails rotating around to the level they need to set anxiety at. Imagining a bridge on a boat, a garden of different coloured flowers, whatever your subconscious mind needs to do for your control room. You can change things and move things around, to change levels and to lock them in place, it is your choice and you are always in control.
General housekeeping can be done and then the issues you have brought to therapy can be looked at one by one in the control room.
How does Hypnotherapy work?
Please look at the following diagram and this shows what is happening when you are in hypnosis.
Client Feedback after Emotional Detox and Kinetic Shift Hypnosis:
"I feel better now after the session and have been able to use the mindspace I felt during hypnosis onto other negative energies not involving death. I feel this has really helped more then just that aspect of my life and I really appreciate that".
Embrace Counselling and Hypnotherapy with Mandy Jane - 40 Vale Road, Rhyl, Denbighshire LL18 2BU
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